Since our first roadside stand opened in 2015, Twin Sisters Markets has focused on creating vibrant, small-scale, cooperative farm stands to meet the unique needs of each of the Whatcom County communities we serve.

In November 2014, sixty local residents, including farmers, business owners, government agencies and non‐profit organizations, gathered for the Foothills Food Summit with the shared vision that all East Whatcom County residents should have the resources to access nutritious, affordable food. The summit’s report identified a mobile farmers market as a key strategy to addressing food access.

In 2015, a small group of East County farmers collaborated to form Twin Sisters Markets. The initial vision — to harvest local produce, load it up on rafts, and float it down the Nooksack to offer river’s edge markets — gave way to a more attainable goal of providing the traditional roadside markets that Twin Sisters operates today.

After securing an initial investment from the Community Food Co-Op’s Farm Fund, volunteer farmers spent nearly half a year pulling a forgotten trailer out of a thicket of blackberries, buying a load of metal from the local scrapyard, and welding their hopes and dreams into Twin Sisters’ first mobile market stand.